Sensores de pressão
SPT Series
Amplified & unamplified. Absolute, gage, sealed gage, vacuum gage. Wetted parts 316L SS. 0 psi to 3 psi thru 0 psi to 5000 psi
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Honeywell SPT Series stainless steel pressure sensors are designed for pressure applications that involve measurement of hostile media in harsh environments and will accommodate any media that will not adversely attack 304 or 316 stainless steel wetted parts.
The SPT Series is calibrated and compensated for three styles of output: 4.0 mA to 20.0 mA (mA version): 1.0 Vdc to 5.0 Vdc (4 V version): and 0 mV to 100 mV (mV version).
All versions feature a variety of pressure connections to allow use in a wide range of OEM equipment.
The SPT Series stainless steel devices are rugged and reliable transducers for use in a wide variety of pressure sensing applications where corrosive liquids and gases are monitored.
Data Sheet
Manuals and Guides
Technical Note
Application Note
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