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Spare Pool Management

Replacement Devices When you Need Them Most

Never Have a Lag in Productivity

Honeywell Spare Pool Management ensures that your mobile and device fleets are always operating to maximize productivity.

This service is available globally and is included on the Honeywell Platinum Service contract (for printers, scanners, and mobile computers) and is available as an add-on service to Gold and Basic level contracts.

Honeywell can also manage spare pools for iOS and Android phones and tablets, conveniently keeping all mobile and device fleets from the boardroom to the warehouse under one roof.

Honeywell will obtain and manage an agreed percentage of spares for you that are available as replacement devices. Units ship within 24-48 hours of replacement request and unusable devices should be returned to Honeywell within five business days.

Certified technicians will repair your faulty device and add the unit back to the pool so you’ll never have a lag in productivity. Quarterly business reviews are also available to review the status of your spare pool - from usage to outstanding issues and the status of your devices.
