
    Essential Tool: WES Unlocks Your Distribution and Fulfillment Potential

    Person using tablet in distribution center
    Person using tablet in distribution center

    There’s a growing recognition that manual labor is no longer sufficient to keep up with the exploding pace of e-commerce. Demand for higher throughput and volume is simply multiplying too quickly. It’s also not enough to move faster; increases in throughput rates for omnichannel fulfillment also require more accuracy, not less.

    Automation offers an obvious solution to many of these challenges — increasing throughput rates, improving accuracy, and enabling scarce labor to be used more effectively to achieve omnichannel fulfillment requirements.

    Joining the podcast today are Laura Bickle, senior offering manager; and Mike Disney, senior account manager, both of Honeywell Intelligrated. We’ll explore the benefits and opportunities offered by advanced automation solutions for today’s distribution and fulfillment (D&F) operations.

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