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Hot Sticks & Tools

Toggle Handle Fiberglass Clampsticks

Toggle Handle Fiberglass Clampsticks

Fiberglass Hot Switchsticks are manufactured in accordance with the following specifications: ASTM F711, OSHA 1910.269(j), and OSHA 1926.951(d). All handles are made from pultruded, smooth, foam-filled fiberglass. Safety yellow is the primary fiberglass color. It is recommended that handles be wiped clean with a silicote cloth before and after every use.Features & Benefits:● All Fiberglass Clampsticks are fixed length external rod fiberglass clampsticks which maintain maximum dielectric strength. A full open side hook provides an unobstructed view of the hook. The molded, insulated head provides a larger opening. The precision cast slide gives complete control and an extra firm grip. The hook release mechanism is easy to operate and the extended length spear provides an easy method of locating the eye of hot taps that are other-wise hard to locate. All fiberglass used is tested at 50kV / 6 inches (100kV / foot) and meets the dielectric leakage requirements of ASTM F711.● Other lengths available upon request. Bag not included.● TOGGLE MAXIMUM TORQUE RATING: 60 FOOT POUNDS
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