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How to Insert and Clean Reusable Earplugs

corded earplugs
corded earplugs

How to Insert and Clean Reusable Earplugs

Reusable earplugs are designed with reuse in mind. Made from resilient materials, they clean easily and remain easy to use, insert and wear. However, to mitigate common bacterial and fungal infections and maintain good ear hygiene, they require regular cleaning. 

Read below to learn more about the proper insertion, use, and care of reusable earplugs. 

Proper insertion of push-in foam earplugs

Inspect earplugs for dirt, damage, or hardness and discard if compromised.

1.      While holding the stem, reach a hand over your head and gently pull the top of your ear up and back.

2.      Insert the earplug, so the tip is well inside the ear canal. Use a gentle rocking motion while pushing the earplug, to ensure a deep fit.

3.      The stem of the earplug should be visible when someone is looking at you from the front.

Inserting pre-molded push-in earplugs

1.      While holding the stem, reach a hand over your head and gently pull top of your ear up and back.

2.      Insert the earplug so all the flanges are well inside your ear canal.

3.      The stem of the earplug should be visible when someone is looking at you from the front.

Inserting banded earplugs

1.      Position band under your chin.

2.      Pull your ear up and back when fitting.

3.      Lightly press the band inward with your fingertips in a noisy environment.

If one or both earplugs do not seem to fit properly, remove the earplug and reinsert. To remove, gently twist earplug while slowly pulling in an outward motion for removal.

Cleaning and care tips

Earplugs should be cleaned by removing all earwax and contaminants prior to reinsertion.

1.      Reusable earplugs may be washed in mild soap and warm water and allowed to air dry. 

2.      Do not use any form of solvent, alcohol, and solvent and/or alcohol-based cleaners to clean earplugs. 

3.       Washing may be repeated several times.

4.      Reusable earplugs should be examined for wear before each use and replaced regularly.

5.       With proper maintenance, reusable earplugs should be replaced every 2-4 weeks. If you use banded earplugs, replace pods 2-4 weeks to ensure optimal protection.

6.      Push-in foam earplugs should be replaced every 5 days.

7.      All earplugs should be stored before and between usages in a way that protects them from dirt, grease, and other contaminants. We recommend storing them in their original packaging or storage case.
