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Investigate and Digitize: A Forensic Approach to Modern Industrial Safety


Investigate and Digitize: A Forensic Approach to Modern Industrial Safety

A Discussion with Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention

“Almost everything we learned about process safety, we learned via an investigation.”

So, what does Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention mean by investigations? When an incident occurs, Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention reviews everything that went wrong. They go over every detail, from the environment of the incident to the failure point, to the data that preceded it. The team believes that the biggest safety mistake organizations make is not taking the time to run a proper post-mortem investigation. Much can be learned – and prevented – when an incident is thoroughly diagnosed. (This goes for successes too! Investigate when safety projects work well, and you’ll be more likely to have repeated success in the future.)

Gathering Investigative Data

When it comes to investigations, data has much to teach us. Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention focuses on two strategies when dealing with data.

First, ensuring the data is not only collected, but also easily accessible. If it’s hard to locate or analyze, there’s an increased chance that your safety staff will not be getting the full picture. Or worse, they may throw their hands up in frustration and abandon the investigation altogether.

Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention adds that a data barrier they have seen is when information is locked in systems that aren’t suited for the inclusion of analytics tools. (For instance, the computing system that controls the plant.) But there is a solution: store the data in a repository, often called a “data lake,” so it’s in a place that is more easily accessible and functional.

The second data strategy is making sure your team has access to the right data. This is a more administrative configuration issue where your need to make sure you're looking for the right information in the right place.

The Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention team also says that when thinking about data, don’t just plan for how to use the data to investigate after something happens – data can also be used to help proactively predict when an incident might occur.

Watch for Warning Signs

Earlier in this type of career, the job was piecing together clues after an incident. But was it was possible to look more proactively at the signs? Because often you see hints that something is going wrong ahead of time. Today, we see a more proactive, predictive movement toward safety.

One of the driving forces behind this proactive movement is newer technology, like digitalization. Using smart technology can help focus an organization on predictive warning signs, instead of just reacting to things that have happened.

Environmental Safety

The Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention team also talked about environmental safety and some simple but clever technical solutions seen in that area. One example is called Smart Flare – a solution for efficient flare monitoring and recording.

In oil and gas, a flare is the flame around a refinery. A requirement for environmental safety is to keep an eye on the flare, to ensure it isn’t producing smoke. If it smokes, it means there’s poor combustion, and in addition to the CO2, greenhouse gases are being emitted.

For decades, the solution used by refineries for watching a flare was to point a camera at it and have the operators in the control room check on it. But operators have a lot of other responsibilities, and constantly checking the camera is tedious, unrealistic, and not efficient. What Smart Flare does is to insert an artificial intelligence (AI) box to watch the camera 24/7.

As its name implies, Smart Flare is smart enough to differentiate between a normal flame and when it's smoking, and it notifies the board operator when there’s an issue. Plus, if there is an incident, the EPA will want to see the footage. With Smart Flare, operators don’t have to go through hours or days of saved recordings to find the incident after the fact. The Smart Flare AI technology flags any anomalies and automatically puts the recording in a special file for reporting purposes.

So, again, this is an example of a simple (but clever) use of technology that serves many purposes – it helps improve safety and operator efficiency while also assisting with environmental compliance.

Advice for New Hires

When asked what piece of advice for new safety process engineer, someone just out of college and ready to start their first job, the team's answer had multiple parts of wisdom:

  • Seek out broad experiences.
  • Learn from the past, from other companies and incidents (the chemical safety board is a good source).
  • Network, go to conferences, and meet your peers at other companies.

While this advice is probably not so different than what other roles might hear, what is different is that safety engineers should focus on learning a lesson from each incident so you can motivate and educate your organization. The Honeywell Process Safety & Loss Prevention team added, “the worst thing is not to learn the lesson from an incident.”