
    Sensing Solutions For Sustainability

    Exhibition Centre Nürnberg
    June 11 - 13, 2024
    Hall 1, Booth 1-238

    Jun 11


    Sensor and Test 2024

    Visit Honeywell at SENSOR and TEST 2024 to learn our latest sensing and safety solutions to help businesses and organizations improve their efficiency, enhance safety, and reduce their carbon footprint and environmental impact.

    Exhibition Centre Nürnberg, Hall 1, Booth 1-238

    Jun 11 - Jun 13, 2024

    Trusted Sensing Solutions From Honeywell

    Whether it’s a sensor installed in a medical homecare device which allows a patient to be monitored remotely or a sensor used within industrial application to improve efficiency and reduce waste, or a sensor used with an electric vehicle to improve battery life or safety and comfort of the passengers, sensors are becoming an integral part of modern technology, enhancing not only the functionality but also the interconnectivity of various systems across different industries and we are here to provide you with the right solution for your need.

    Come and meet the Honeywell team and talk with one of our sensing specialists about your new design.


    To arrange a meeting in advance please complete the form below