2D 바코드 스캔 엔진
N5780 Series 2D Decoded Scan Engine
Exceptional motion tolerance. Powerful image processor. Beyond barcode reading capabilities for OCR. Optimized reading of QR codes.
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- Fully integrated, one-piece design scan engine, so there's no need for an extra decoder board or host decoder programming. The N5780 Series does not require a separate CPU or OS for integration into a device
- Powerful decoding and imaging processor of the Smart Adaptus™ 7.0 platform and form-factor enables rapid development and reduces time to market
- 1 Mpx or 1.3 Mpx resolution and global shutter technology enables excellent snappiness and motion tolerance to provide greater productivity and throughput in kiosk applications
- Lower power consumption enhances application performance and functionality in the application’s workflow
- Supports beyond barcode reading capabilities such as OCR and microservices that are licensable as add-ons, such as Honeywell EasyDL™
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