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Molded Sleeves

Molded Sleeves


Rubber Insulating Sleeves extend coverage of the arm from the cuff of rubber insulating gloves to the shoulder; fully protecting these areas from accidental contact with energized conductors and equipment. Salisbury sleeves feature a reinforcing fold at the cuff. This fold is preferred over a rolled bead because it adds less bulk to the cuff and fits into the glove easier without pushing.

Molded sleeves are manufactured by either injection or compression molding methods. The advantage these methods offer is the ability to produce sleeves of Type I or SALCOR® Type II synthetic rubber. SALCOR® sleeves provide the same high quality and electrical protection as natural rubber, with the added benefit of being resistant

All sleeves meet the current requirements of ASTM D1051

Showing 1 to 10 of 23 parts
Product Number
Part Number
Leaf Category
Slv Molded C3T1 R Mar
Slv Molded C3T1 R Mar