아크 플래시 PPE
Pro-Wear® Plus with PrismShield™ Plus Kits - 65 Cal/cm2
Pro-Wear® Plus with PrismShield™ Plus Kits - 65 Cal/cm2
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Kits available with Pro-hood (beekeeper) or Lift Front Hood.
SK65PRG(size)-PP: PrismShield™; Plus 65 Cal/cm2 Pro-hood (premium), Pro-Wear™; Plus bib overalls and coat (premium), North Zone™; hard hat, and large bag to carry all kit contents.
SK65PRG(size)-LF-PP: PrismShield™; Plus 65 Cal/cm2 lift front hood (premium), Pro-Wear®; Plus 65
Cal/cm2 bib overalls and coat (premium), face shield bag, and large bag to carry all kit contents.
Compliant with ASTM F2178, ANSI Z87.1 +S, and NFPA 70E
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