
    Optimizing DC Performance With WES-enabled Simulation

    To keep up with exploding e-commerce, tighter standards from customers and increasing consumer expectations, many distribution and fulfillment (D&F) operations recognize the need to increase productivity and throughput. However, many distribution center (DC) operators fear making the wrong investment and defer crucial upgrades.

    Leveraging in-house simulation and emulation can optimize existing equipment and automated processes, validate new investments, and better adapt to changing business requirements. Further, adding such a solution within an operation’s warehouse execution system (WES) can mitigate these risks while bolstering overall performance.

    When an operation’s performance needs to be improved, simulation and emulation can offer significant competitive advantages that:

    • Reduce risk
    • Cut commissioning time
    • Increase accuracy
    • Minimize delays
    • Maximize efficiency

    Download our white paper to learn how simulation technologies enable “what if” scenarios, offer insights about how your DC is functioning, and provide suggestions for improvement.