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  • sps-ibh-IH-2 Desktop Printer-header.jpg
    The IH-2 Printer is made in India product with a slew of modern features which enables growing businesses to improve productivity.
  • sps-ibh-ihr810-thermal-receipt-printer-1.jpg
    Impact by Honeywell’s IHR810 is a fully featured thermal printer which delivers fast receipt printing speed of up to 260mm/s.
  • sps-ibh-ihs310x-1d-scanner-header-flipped.jpg
    The IHS-310X is an advanced 1D barcode scanner that can identify and read 1D codes. It supports multiple 1D codes at a very high speed of 300 times/sec.
  • sps-ibh-ihs320x-2d-scanner-header-flip.jpg
    The IHS-320 2D Barcode scanner is a product of our continuous pursuit for easy-to-use and more efficient barcode scanning technology.
  • sps-ibh-scanpal-header.jpg
    The ScanPal EDA51 HC features a fast processor, robust wireless connectivity, and 12 hours of battery life, so medical professionals can access crucial work apps and information asap.