
    Future-proof Scalability

    Flexible DC Solutions that Scale to Your Needs

    To ensure long-term growth in a competitive e-commerce market, many companies are looking for ways to build scalability into their distribution center (DC) operations. For many, the challenge of balancing traditional store and e-commerce order fulfillment — often from the same facility — is pushing their fulfillment operations beyond their capabilities. Increased product and package variability, higher service level expectations, shorter delivery windows and space constraints are all factors contributing to modern DC complexities. 

    If customer expectations are outpacing the capabilities of your fulfillment operations, Honeywell Intelligrated can help you create your DC Next. We have the tools and expertise to develop cost-effective growth strategies that not only address your current challenges, but are also scalable to meet your future operational goals. 

    We start by optimizing your existing DC assets and creating a connected technology infrastructure. Then we build a foundation that allows for continuous expansion of warehouse automation via flexible software that ensures seamless system integration and scales with your evolving business requirements.

    Additional Tools to Ensure Future Proof Scalability