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- Make the Transition to Data-Driven Lifecycle Management
Make the Transition to Data-Driven Lifecycle Management
Lifecycle management is facing new obstacles in today’s competitive market. Distribution center (DC) operators must utilize a new approach to the practice. Instead of waiting for problems to occur and fixing them on the spot, they must instead use data to predict needs and changes. They must work with the future in mind, instead of reacting to the “now”. Using data to enhance predictability can allow for operators to use their workflow better and increase their operation’s productivity.
Historically, distribution centers have been slow to incorporate technology into their daily operations. This leaves an opportunity for DCs looking to overpower their competition to make an investment — and reap the rewards. The incorporation of data science in warehouse and fulfillment centers has been proven to decrease downtime and increase productivity. It has also been proven that DCs which make this type of investment see a hefty return on their investment.
Consumer-level service agreements (CLAs) are only going to continue to increase. Consumers are looking for as little time as possible between when they make a purchase and when they receive those purchases. These CLAs can be met by operations that have invested in data science and technology to increase their throughput rate, anticipate machine downtime, and predict the ebbs and flows of the marketplace.
Read our white paper to learn how you can make sure your DC is ready for future consumer demands.
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