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- DC Simulation Delivers Real-World Results
DC Simulation Delivers Real-World Results
The growing demands of service level agreements (SLAs) have triggered a greater need for optimization. As a result, the systems that drive modern e-commerce are becoming increasingly more complicated.
To keep pace, today’s distribution centers (DCs) require a greater reliance on automation, robotics, control software, warehouse execution systems (WES), labor management software (LMS) and other innovations.
While many solutions like these are available, their sheer number and complexity make it difficult to determine the most efficient and cost-effective choices for every operation. And since new facilities or upgrades often have to be planned 12–18 months or more in advance, anticipating possible market shifts is critical.
In this environment, DC simulation is emerging as one of the most effective tools for minimizing risk, optimizing performance, and identifying growth opportunities. It offers measurable benefits at every level of DC design, planning and upgrading, from validating the performance of individual subsystems to troubleshooting choke points to the configuration of an entirely new facility.
Simulation significantly reduces uncertainty by allowing multiple solutions to be tested, refined and validated before you buy and implement. Real-world performance can be predicted with high accuracy, enabling you to determine which solution will best achieve your chosen benchmarks, how effectively your system will respond to disruptive changes, and how quickly you’ll see return on investment (ROI). Simulation can also enhance your operation over time by identifying potential process enhancements, validating alternative upgrades, and enabling you to make better-informed decisions.
This report provides a detailed overview of how simulation technology is revolutionizing the material handling industry.
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