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- Webinar Series: Accelerate Your Journey From DC Now to DC Next
Webinar Series: Accelerate Your Journey From DC Now to DC Next.
Have e-commerce demands, pandemic-driven volume spikes and ongoing labor challenges raised concerns about the future of your distribution and fulfillment operations? We’re ready to help you accelerate your journey from DC Now to DC Next.
Honeywell Intelligrated is launching a four-part On The Move webinar series to help you take the next steps and point you in the right direction. With end-to-end distribution center (DC) solutions that combine robust warehouse execution software (WES), robotics integration, labor optimization and remote issue resolution, we’ll show you how to meet today’s throughput targets, increase profitability, and achieve the future-proof scalability needed to reach your DC Next.
From Simple to Complex: How WES Scales to Your Needs
Tackle today’s fulfillment demands with next-generation Momentum WES software. From orchestrating order fulfillment activities, balancing labor and automation resources, and overseeing order release in real time to meet ever-changing customer priorities, Momentum is helping companies to achieve higher throughput and meet exacting SLAs. Plus, we’ll show how leveraging advanced data science techniques and machine-learning algorithms empowers intelligent decision-making, drives measurable performance improvements, and gives operations a competitive edge.
Bring Fast Issue Resolution Into View With Remote Video-Enablement
Explore the potential of video-enabled technical support in your maintenance operations. Our TechSight offering facilitates remote collaboration between your technicians and our expert service team for rapid diagnoses and troubleshooting of critical issues. Experience the power of optional smart glasses with augmented reality capabilities for improved collaboration.
How is Productivity Created? Find the Answer in Labor Management Software
We all know labor accounts for roughly 50% of DC costs, but what happens when you expand your operations? This is where an effective LMS can have an immediate impact on the bottom line. From reducing attrition, creating engineered standards, and training your employees, learn how GoalPost® LMS can reduce some of the costs incurred before, during and after expansion. Join us as we look at some very interesting data!
If you'd like to speak to one of our representatives, please contact us.
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