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随着移动设备的兴起,霍尼韦尔的免费 PPE 应用程序让您可以随身携带大量安全信息。浏览以下有关我们的移动安全解决方案的更多信息,并下载至您的便携式设备。

霍尼韦尔 SCBA 配型软件
霍尼韦尔 SCBA 在线配型软件允许用户比较、构建自己的配置,并共享所有霍尼韦尔 SCBA 平台的自定义配置。

esLife 滤盒寿命计算软件
在有突破之前以及在污染物进入用户的呼吸区之前更换气体和蒸汽筒至关重要,并且这是 OSHA 和 CSA 的要求。但是,有许多因素会影响滤盒在任何特定环境中的使用寿命。霍尼韦尔 esLife Cartridge 使用寿命评估仪将帮助您确定您工作场所的滤盒更换时间表。

BW Clip4 培训应用程序
The Honeywell BW Clip4 app is the exact same experience as operating the BW Clip4 handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial that simulates navigating through the BW Clip4 user interface with the same buttons and displays as an actual instrument. By default, the app displays normal readings from the configured sensors.

BW MicroClip X3 培训应用程序
The Honeywell GasAlerMicroClip app has the exact same operating experience as the GasAlertMicroClip handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial that simulates navigation through the GasAlertMicroClip user interface via the same buttons and appears as an actual instrument. By default, the app displays normal readings from the configured sensors.

BW Ultra 培训应用程序
The Honeywell BW Ultra app is the exact same experience as operating the BW Ultra handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial that simulates navigating through the BW Ultra user interface with the same buttons and displays as the actual instrument. By default, the app displays normal readings from configured sensors.

AreaRAE Pro 培训应用程序
The Honeywell AreaRAE Pro app is identical to the experience of operating the AreaRAE Pro handheld gas monitor. It comes with an interactive tutorial that simulates navigating through the AreaRAE Pro user interface with the same buttons and displays as the actual instrument. By default, the app displays normal readings from configured sensors.
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