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- Sorting Out Your Sortation Options
Sorting Out Your Sortation Options
Evaluating and adjusting your sortation workflow are key to efficiently managing the operation of your distribution center (DC). You may need a new system from recent growth or the integration of new business. But no matter your reason, you need to consider various factors before deciding upon a warehouse sortation solution that you feel is the best fit for your DC.
There are several sortation solutions to choose from to help your DC perform with higher efficiency. Before deciding on one, weigh your options so that you can be best informed and make the right decision for your specific needs. For example, if you need to decide between choosing line or loop sorters, first learn their differences. Line sorters need separate conveyors for items not sorted in the first pass, while loop sorters work in a continuous loop and have more than one entry point.
DC operators must also consider the nature of their operation and what their sortation solution will be used for. Warehouses that are sorting for shipping trucks will require a different sortation solution than warehouses whose goals are to consolidate and save space. Packaging types, durability and variety of items handled must also be considered before deciding which sortation solution best fits your DC.
The purpose of this white paper is to guide readers through the process of evaluating and selecting the right sortation solution for their facility.
Honeywell에 회원가입해서 제품 업데이트, 기술 정보, 신제품, 행사 및 소식, 설문 조사, 특별 할인 관련 내용을 전화, 이메일, 기타 방법을 온라인을 통해 받아보세요.
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