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Unloading & Loading Automation Technologies Hero Image
Unloading & Loading Automation Technologies Hero Image

Loading and Unloading Automation Technologies

Automatically Load and Unload Freight Efficiently With Less Labor Required

Automated Solutions for the DC’s Toughest Jobs

Few warehouse jobs are more arduous, repetitive and injury-prone than loading and unloading freight on the receiving dock. Not only are these jobs notoriously difficult to fill — especially in today’s shrinking labor market — but they also have some of the highest turnover rates in the industry.

Honeywell Robotics offers two efficient automated alternatives for loading and unloading: a robotic unloader and an articulated arm loader/unloader. The newest advances in robot control systems, gripping technology, perception and dynamic collision-free path planning enable these systems to meet or even exceed manual performance without any modifications to trailers or nearby workflows. By taking on some of the most dangerous and uncomfortable jobs in modern distribution centers, these innovative solutions relieve workers from arduous and repetitive tasks that are frequently uncomfortable to perform, especially in the extreme temperatures of the summer and winter months. They also allow scarce labor to be shifted to more satisfying, higher-value positions.

Articulated Arm Loader/Unloader

Increase Reliability and Reduce Labor Requirements on the Dock for Select Robotics Loading and Unloading Applications

Vehicle-mounted articulated arms enable operations that work with consistent size/weight cases to lower logistics costs while freeing up labor for higher-value jobs.

Able to work as both loading and unloading, this robotic solution gets the job done quickly with minimal supervision. You’ll see quick return on investment by utilizing the valuable labor for higher more complex operations. In addition, the accuracy and predictability of deliveries will improve efficiency throughout your supply chain.

  • Automates loading and unloading of products with consistent size and weight throughout the trailer.
  • Boosts productivity growth
  • Requires minimal operator intervention and supervision
  • Enables employees to shift to more satisfying tasks, reducing turnover
  • Integrates with existing material handling systems
  • No need to change processes or ancillary equipment
  • Increases utilization of downstream equipment
  • Backed by Honeywell Intelligrated’s deep materials handling experience

Robotic Unloader

Make Unloading Efficient and Automated

Advanced machine learning enables robotic unloaders to unload trucks, trailers and shipping containers fully autonomously while handling products with greater care. Using a combination of a vacuum arm and a conveyor sweep system, these robots are capable of handling diverse case sizes and weights, even from trailers that haven’t been loaded with robots in mind. Products are discharged in a semi-singulated flow, improving the efficiency of downstream processes, and no fleet modifications are required.

  • Fully autonomous operation doesn’t require operator to remain on standby or direct the machine
  • Advanced machine learning allows the robot to work faster, handle products with greater care, and increase its own performance over time
  • Easy to integrate with your existing shipping infrastructure
  • Perception and decision-making improvements can be learned from or shared with other robots
  • Multiply individual labor productivity with operators supervising multiple machines for consistently high throughput all shift long
  • Maximizes equipment utilization by traversing between dock doors
  • Improves efficiency of other DC processes by discharging products in semi-singulated flow
  • Minimizes jams with a robust operating algorithm, integrated unscrambler and dynamic side guides
  • Automated exception detection alerts operators to unexpected pallets, overweight items and other scenarios outside machine handling capability
  • Prevents problems before they occur — even between multiple sites — with sophisticated reporting, diagnostics and alerts
  • No advanced engineering skillsets required for supervising, operation and troubleshooting
  • Optional built-in connectivity for rapid remote support by Honeywell Robotics service personnel

Loading and Unloading Automation Technologies
