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The Impact of Data Science Upon Labor in the Supply Chain

The Impact of Data Science Upon Labor in the Supply Chain
The Impact of Data Science Upon Labor in the Supply Chain

New insights will help you cut costs, boost performance, and retain workers

Data science insights are driving new areas of optimization, prediction and autonomous systems in our labor workforce. It is now possible, for example, to determine the number of workers you’ll need to run your operation at peak efficiency next week. You can also predict where each of your employees will work most effectively, which incentives will motivate them to get their jobs done, and who’s thinking about quitting.

All of these capabilities are reality today, thanks to recent advances in data science enabled by the development of cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. By incorporating them into next-generation labor management software (LMS) systems, connected distribution centers (DCs) can now harness an unprecedented level of proactive control over their workforce and operations. This power can be leveraged as a “carrot” or a “stick;” how DC operators choose to use it will have a significant impact on the industry.

The paper will highlight some of the emerging data science capabilities that are bringing game-changing insights to the supply chain. Many are already available today, while others are establishing promising track records in real-world pilot tests.
