
    Apply DC Science to the Art of Retail with Voice Technology

    Apply DC Science to the Art of Retail with Voice Technology Image
    Apply DC Science to the Art of Retail with Voice Technology Image

    Brick-and-mortar retailers were already facing a hyper-competitive and continuously evolving landscape in which consumer expectations for the ideal shopping experience have never been higher. Now that the COVID-19 pandemic has more people shopping from home and receiving goods on their doorsteps or with drive-thru pickup, retailers face more competition to provide the best service and build customer loyalty.

    Physical stores are attempting to differentiate themselves from online-only retailers by offering new features such as click-and-collect, curbside pickup and ship-from-store delivery. Yet retailers are finding these services to be time-consuming, inefficient, inconsistent and often unprofitable. In order to meet new customer expectations, retail stores have been tasked with finding efficient methods for order fulfillment that are sustainable in the long term for the “new normal.”

    By integrating voice-directed workflows into retail stores, brick-and-mortar locations can experience the ease and increased productivity that DCs have been using for order fulfillment. Read our white paper to learn more.
