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Decision Intelligence Drives Automatic Execution

Decision Intelligence
Decision Intelligence

It’s another typical day in the distribution center (DC) of a leading home improvement retailer. Direct-to-consumer and store replenishment orders are in the fulfillment queue, with new ones coming in every second. Even though order priorities and delivery windows vary greatly, their customers and store operators are depending on them to meet their chosen service level agreements (SLAs) — whether that’s the same day, the next day or the next week.

But meeting this wide range of SLAs is complicated. DC operators are constantly juggling resources, order release plans and routing constraints— all in an environment that is constantly changing. Managing these ever-present complexities stretches the limits of human capabilities. Not only is it nearly impossible, but it’s also prone to faults and inherently inefficient.

The inability to orchestrate every aspect of the fulfillment process leads to costly productivity losses, idle equipment and underutilized labor. Over the long term, maintaining this status quo of day-to-day management struggles is simply unsustainable.

Enter the Momentum warehouse execution system (WES). With a powerful and advanced analytics engine that we call Decision Intelligence, Momentum WES automates the fulfillment process based on the most optimum release and routing strategies for orders of varying priorities. Read more about its benefits now.