    Corridor Components
    Corridor Components

    Corridor Components

    Intelligent Life Care’s Call System features corridor components, including single- and double-sided information displays and directional lamps with priority-controlled flash signals, to streamline alerts and improve response times.

    Intelligent Life Care’s Call System incorporates essential corridor components, including single-sided and double-sided information displays, as well as directional lamps, to enhance communication and response efficiency in healthcare settings. The Corridor Information Displays serve as a centralized hub for real-time updates regarding nurse call systems, helping to streamline alert notifications and significantly reduce response times. These displays ensure that critical information is readily accessible, enabling healthcare staff to act quickly and effectively. Additionally, our directional lamps feature priority-controlled displays that use distinct flash signals to indicate different urgency levels: alarm calls, emergency calls, and standard requests. This prioritization helps caregivers quickly identify the nature of the call, ensuring that the most pressing situations receive immediate attention. Functional monitoring is facilitated through a superordinate control unit, providing an integrated solution for tracking and managing alerts across the system. Together, these components create a cohesive and efficient call system that enhances patient care and safety.

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