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    Voice Software


    Honeywell Voice host system integration toolkit

    VoiceInterface Objects (VIO) is a new host integration toolkit. It allows host system software developers to integrate Honeywell Voice into their host applications, driving the necessary voice workflow logic centrally, while relying on Honeywell VoiceClient to provide the highest quality dialog processing, voice recognition and text-to-speech engine that is vital for a robust voice solution.


    • Product Call-Outs
      • Allows certified partners to use their existing development environment and resources to develop Honeywell Voice solutions applications.NEWLINENEWLINEUses industry standard API integration methods, including shared-libraries that support Microsoft .Net, Java and C++ development environmentsNEWLINENEWLINEAllows developers to choose the development environment based on current technical skillsNEWLINENEWLINEGives certified partners full control of their Honeywell Voice application.NEWLINENEWLINEEnables certified partners to focus on the application logic.NEWLINENEWLINEEnsures a quality voice implementation, leveraging the Honeywell's extensive voice expertise to create encapsulated tested, reusable, best practice workflow components.


    • Warranty Duration
      • 3 month limited


    • Product Call-Outs
      • Allows certified partners to use their existing development environment and resources to develop Honeywell Voice solutions applications.NEWLINENEWLINEUses industry standard API integration methods, including shared-libraries that support Microsoft .Net, Java and C++ development environmentsNEWLINENEWLINEAllows developers to choose the development environment based on current technical skillsNEWLINENEWLINEGives certified partners full control of their Honeywell Voice application.NEWLINENEWLINEEnables certified partners to focus on the application logic.NEWLINENEWLINEEnsures a quality voice implementation, leveraging the Honeywell's extensive voice expertise to create encapsulated tested, reusable, best practice workflow components.


    • Warranty Duration
      • 3 month limited
    • Warranty Duration : 3 month limited
    • Product Call-Outs : Allows certified partners to use their existing development environment and resources to develop Honeywell Voice solutions applications.NEWLINENEWLINEUses industry standard API integration methods, including shared-libraries that support Microsoft .Net, Java and C++ development environmentsNEWLINENEWLINEAllows developers to choose the development environment based on current technical skillsNEWLINENEWLINEGives certified partners full control of their Honeywell Voice application.NEWLINENEWLINEEnables certified partners to focus on the application logic.NEWLINENEWLINEEnsures a quality voice implementation, leveraging the Honeywell's extensive voice expertise to create encapsulated tested, reusable, best practice workflow components.
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