Sensori di prossimità aerospaziali
Single-Channel Aerospace LVDTs
Single-channel aerospace LVDT. 8,89 mm to 35,56 mm ]0.35 in to 1.4 in] stroke. 1 million hours min. MTBF. 17-4 PH stainless steel housing
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Honeywell Single-Channel Aerospace Linear Variable Differential Transducers incorporate a pre-validated platform approach to ensure a wide variety of configurations and applications can be accommodated. Their rig-point position eliminates the need to shim during installation. With global engineering and application expertise, customers with a global footprint can rest assured that there is local support for new applications and troubleshooting.
Scheda Tecnica
Manuali e Guide
Istruzioni d'installazione
Modello CAD
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