
    Limiteurs de chute personnels

    Miller® TurboLite™ Type 2 Fall Arrest Device

    Miller® TurboLite™ Type 2 Fall Arrest Device

    • Affordable alternative to shock-absorbing lanyards eliminating the need for different fall protection equipment to address fall clearance.
    • Cost-effective, compact and lightweight, Honeywell Miller® TurboLite™ Personal Fall Limiters make the need for shock-absorbing lanyards obsolete.
    • Retractable technology arrests falls within centimetres and prevents trip hazards while built in swivel prevents lifeline twisting.
    • Can be used in horizontal and foot level applications where an overhead anchorage point is unavailable (refer to supplementary instructions for horizontal usage).
    • Attaches to the harness back d-ring for greater mobility and versatility.
    • Engineered (vectran/polyester) webbing for greater abrasion resistance and long service life.
    • Fully compliant to AS /NZS 1891.3 as a type 2 fall arrest device.
    • High-strength, impact-resistance nylon housing for maximum durability.
    • Working Load Limit: 136kg
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