Conectores de Ancoragem
Cable Anchorage Connector
Cable anchorage connector vinyl-coated wire rope with captive eye carabiner & O-ring
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• These cable tie-off anchors wrap around a beam, pipe, framing, or other structural component to provide a secure tie-off point for a lanyard or SRL as part of a personal fall protection system.
• They have a carabiner on one end and two rings on the other end.
• The carabiner attaches to one ring to provide a secure connection around the structure and the SRL or lanyard is attached to the other ring. Cable anchors are stronger and more durable than webbed-strap anchors and won't rip when exposed to sharp edges.
• They can be removed and reused as needed.
• Anchors should always be inspected and replaced after being exposed to a fall.
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