Grounding Clamps
H-Rated Grounding
H-Rated Grounding
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The increase in power capability has resulted in the potential for higher fault currents and asymmetry factors, referred to as X/R ratios. Table 2 within the ASTM F855 standard outlines the test requirements for grounding assemblies to be used with the higher X/R ratios that may be encountered in the field. Grounding components which have been tested to the requirements in Table 2 are identified with an H rating. The grounding components listed are rated for asymmetrical fault currents of 47kA (5H components) or 68kA (7H components) for 15 cycles. Salisbury can assist with designing custom ground assemblies to meet customer field requirements. Contact your sales representative for assistance.
Proper personal protective grounding has saved many lives. Rely on Honeywell Salisbury™ to provide options for protective equipment that is designed to meet high X/R ratio grounding applications.
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